Climate Crisis

Crisis - Solutions

What can you do to help curb the effects of the climate crisis? Video Summary : Tips for how individual can make and impact on climate change issue. The most important tip is to get educated about it and then inform your friends and families! Here is a great slide from Al Gore that you can …

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What is the Greenhouse Effect?

Main cause of global warming Greenhouse gases The major greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor. Video Summary: Detailed explanation of how the chemical and electrical properties of the Greenhouse Gases(e.g., methane, CO2, etc) impact infrared radiation and absorption,thus influence the temperature.

Effects of the Climate Crisis

The reality that climate change is occurring is supported by rising sea levels and global temperatures, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, glacial retreat, decreased snow cover, and more extreme weather events. The effects of climate change also includes ocean acidification, lengthening of the frost-free season, changes in precipitation patterns worldwide, more droughts and heat waves, …

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