We realize that a lot of this info can seem really daunting, but here are some the top action items you can take to make a difference:
- Stop Cutting Up Meat: Cut it Out
- You don’t necessarily need to be a vegan to reduce your carbon footprint. Here are some suggestions on dietary plans you can utilize to live more sustainably:
- Only eat meat when you go out to a restaurant or only eat meat when it seems worth it.
- There’s nothing worse than taking a bite of an overcooked piece of steak or a dry chicken sandwich at a chain restaurant. Avoid this unpleasantness and decrease your carbon footprint by only eating meat on special occasions and at high-quality establishments.
- Pescatarian diet.
- Choose seafood that’s farmed and harvested in a sustainable way by downloading the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch App which can guide you on how to find restaurants and stores near you that serve ocean-friendly seafood. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/seafood-watch/id301269738?mt=8
- Vegetarian/Vegan diet
- Eating a vegan or vegetarian diet is the single best way you can reduce your environmental impact. If everyone stopped eating animal products, scientists found that global farmland use could be reduced by 75 %, an area equivalent to the size of the US, China, Australia and the EU combined.
- If switching to a vegan or vegetarian diet sounds intimidating to you, here are some great meat substitutes we recommend:
- Only eat meat when you go out to a restaurant or only eat meat when it seems worth it.
- You don’t necessarily need to be a vegan to reduce your carbon footprint. Here are some suggestions on dietary plans you can utilize to live more sustainably:
- Consciously Purchase Your Produce
- Pesticides are increasingly used in more of our produce. Use EWG’s guide of the “Dirty Dozen” to know which produce to purchase organic. https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/dirty-dozen.php